Most people think my name is ‘Saad’ because many people name their businesses after themselves. I believe this is quite conceited.I wanted to honour someone much more important than me.
It is my duty to honour my ancestors through achievement and contribution (a forgotten tradition in this dissolute age).
So his name and life live on through me and every person I impact.
Since I was a teenager (~2012) almost every single day has been dedicated to the relentless pursuit of uncovering the art and science of how to maximise the human mind and body’s potential for health, performance and longevity.
This led me to become a functional health practitioner, teacher and lifelong student.
I am not a ‘specialist’, I have opted to dedicate my life and profession to becoming the most prolific generalist coach possible.
The principles that form SOS are to approach the human body not by looking at any one single component in isolation like most specialists, but by integrating the entire multi-layered ecosystem of the human body.
I have exhaustively understood how to optimise the human machine and fix its ailments through the domains of physiology, nutrition, biochemistry, gut health, longevity, and psychology to create the most enriching limitless life possible.
Over the last few years, this mission has expanded beyond the obsession with the human body to unravelling the human mind to live a life of freedom, morality, purpose and wealth.
This is accomplished through my extensive experience as a serial entrepreneur and helping many business owners grow their businesses, make life-changing money and live a life of fulfilment.
Strength of Saad is dedicated to a lifelong pursuit of physical-mental excellence through the vehicle of complete human health, performance, longevity and wellness, in honour of Saad.
If I am completely honest with you.
Strength of Saad was birthed out of insecurity, weakness and pain.
When you are left with feelings of being useless and weak in the world, you eventually get fed up with who you are. I forced myself to use the pain of my upbringing into something great.
I forced myself to become great at something. I acquired new skills, once I did I realise I had more talent in those skills than anything I’d ever done in my life.
Couple that with a voracious curiosity and eventually my life became dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in every way possible, not because I had to, but because it is the most natural instinctual thing I could dedicate myself to.
I forced myself to become masterful at something.
I forced myself to become undeniably great…
I hope that inspires you to do the same.

But Who Am I?
I’m a man who loves his life and contributing to people’s lives while pushing his own to the limits and deeply connecting with people and the world around me.
After 6 years dedicated to competitive basketball that took me to compete in Arizona, USA, I entered the health and fitness industry as a trainer and coach.
Since 15 years I had possessed a deep curiosity for solving problems within the human body to optimise it for performance, health and longevity. This grow alongside my love for basketball.
My coaching principles encapsulate a holistic multi-system approach to optimising human health and performance by integrating all relevant modalities and systems to solve human health problems, and achieve health-performance outcomes.
I formally began my career in the health and fitness industry after moving away from competitive basketball after 6 months of competing in Tucson, Arizona, USA. Since my journey through basketball began at 15 years old, I become posessed with the game and with this came a obsession with the human body and how to optimise it for health, performance and longevity.
Shortly after I arrived home from America, I began building as much experience as I could by coaching for free (June, 2015).
I completed two diplomas in fitness and begin working professionally in the industry in a boutique private facility learning Strong First (Pavel Tsatsoulines) methods implementing them with a wide variety of general population clients.
In 2016 Alexander I accepted into a 1/1 internship position at Australian Professional Basketball NBL club Melbourne United learning under former head of Athletic Australia and Olympic Coach Eric Hollingsworth. I learnt life changing principles of how to manage and lead a team in the professional sector.
Shortly before this I underwent an internship at one of Australia’s leading athletic development performance facilities, Woodford Sport Science Consulting. Soon after I was hired as a Performance Coach where I would coach for 5~ years working with hundreds of athletes from a wide variety of ages/sports, run their junior development program for 1.5 years and assist/co-present many workshops with Christian Woodford nationwide and New Zealand including presenting to the head strength & conditioning coach of Super Rugby Crusaders/All Blacks. The experience with Christian and WSSC changed the trajectory of my life and career. I’m forever deeply grateful for him no matter what anyone sais about him.
My tenure ended before leaving for a university exchange opportunity in Singapore.
In 2017 I completed a 200 hour yoga teacher training at iHana Yoga so I could integrate a more holistic practice of wellness and performance with my client family. During this year I begin teaching classes for an Australian personal trainer qualification organisation Orphic Education that delivered Certificate III/IV in Fitness. As I took more responsability I managed the companies media and sales and eventually was invited to become a co-owner in the business. I purchased ownership in the company and assisted the Orphic to transition to become a registered trade organisation and teach hundreads of students. This wa another life changing opportunity for me. During my time at Orphic I would teach a total of five 26 week intakes. It so far is ony of the greatest privliges of my life to be given an opportunity to leave such an indelible mark on young Personal Trainers entering the industry.
While doing all of that I studied my Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise and Sport Science/Nutrition Science from 2017 – 2022 developing a very strong theoretical and practical skillset in exercise, physiology and nutrition science. I would seek ongoing mentorship from some of Australia’s most respected and leading professionals in nutrition, gut health, bloodwork and biochemistry from the likes of Dave O’Brien and Ben Cant.
To this date I have been actively coaching in the industry from ~2015.
Strength Of Saad is the vehicle to which I help’s people transform their body, mind and performance while guiding people through complex health problems such as debilitating gut, skin, neurological and energy issues.
- FBCA functional blood work mastery certification (2022 – 2023)
- Co-Owner & Head Educator of Certificate III/IV In Fitness RTO Provider Orphic Education (2017 – 2021)
- Teaching: Certificate III/IV FItness (2019 – 2022)
- CPPS Level 1 – by Joe Defranco & Jim Smith (2018)
- Bachelors Double Degree in Exercise & Sport Science/Nutrition Science (2017 – 2021)
- Internship at Melbourne United NBL Club (Professional Basketball) (2016-2017)
- Yoga Teacher – iHana 200H Yoga Teacher Training (2017)
- ASCA Level 1 (2016) (Australian Strength & Conditioning Association)
- Woodford Sport Science Consulting Internship (2016)
- Diploma of Fitness Coaching – SAGE (2016)
- Diploma of Sport Development – Australian College Of Basketball (2013-2014)
My Promise
This one is deep and personal…it made me cry writing it…
I don’t want to tell you that to keep up the image of strength I hold up but I guess there is strength in the courage of vulnerability…
Most of you reading this may not know but I have some extremely serious clients who have been through hell and back: trauma, suicidal ideations and debilitating health/psychological issues that have been plaguing them for years.
I can’t tell you how many people have broken down in front of me with feelings of overwhelm, despair and hopelessness.
I deal with the hopes, dreams and nightmares of a lot of people every day.
When people come to me, much of their life is a living nightmare.
Someone asked me how I deal with it all mentally.
I thought about it.
I won’t pretend like it’s easy.
Living life is hard enough right?
You not only have to care for yourself, your family and friends, but imagine now you decide to take on a family of 40-50 people.
They start off as strangers.
Then turn into family.
I see so many people suffer.
Their shoulders are heavy from carrying the burden of their life.
How do I deal with it?
I don’t. I treat it as my eternal responsibility and duty.
It’s why I’m here.
My burden is to help others bear the weight of their burden, and give them hope, belief and a roadmap out of the darkest of caves.
I’m not your coach.
I break every boundary and become your companion in the battle against your darkest demons to climb the mountain and bear the burden of your hardest challenges.
I’ve always struggled to describe what I do.
As my career progressed along with my skillset I noticed I was helping fix some pretty broken people.
Along this path and through my own struggles, I developed the strength to carry a lot of weight on my shoulders and be the light in the darkest of times for you.
What a waste it would be to not extend my hand to help you carry yours when you can’t.
And if I have to carry the weight of 50 people on my back and I drown in the process, then so be it.
I would give my life every day of the week to give other people the chance to overcome their suffering and live the life they deserve.
It doesn’t matter what happens to me…
My purpose is to give my life, to you…
Standing On The Shoulders of Giants
A friend and mentor once said to me, “people say the common phrase ‘standing on the shoulders of giants’, but they really don’t understand what it means, they repeat this cliche phrase paying lip service to themselves and others.”
This served as an important reminder to myself to make sure I understand not only who all the giants are, but to continually study them, question them, apply their knowledge and fit it into my own principles and systems accordingly.
How dare we try teach and educate if we aren’t, or haven’t understood the principles these giants have taught that underpin the foundation of the practical and theoretical understanding of the science of the human body.
The following is a running list of the most significant teachers, educators, coaches, health professionals and humans over my lifetime that have facilitated the foundation of theoretical knowledge and practical skill set I possess today. The following people have all played a considerable role in forming a part of me and my teachings, I owe endless gratitude and thanks to these people, without them, I wouldn’t Be.
Everything related to anatomy, physiology and the art-science of coaching.
Joe Defranco
Dr Mike Isratel
Christian Woodford
Jay Ellis
Jamie Smith & Strength Culture
Layne Norton
Chris Duffin
Strong By Science
Jordan Potts
Paul Chek
Elliott Hulse
Sebastian Oreb
Kelly Starrett
James ‘Smitty’ Smith
Cameron Josse
Ben Greenfield
Dr Jordan Shallow
David Goggins
Phil Daru
Alan Aragon
Kevin Bass
Dr Andrew Lock
Brad Shoenfeld
Bret Contreras
Pavel Tsatsouline
Trevor Bachmeyer
Mark Rippetoe
Yuri Verkhoshansky
Vern Gambetta
Mike Boyle
Louie Simmons
Everything related to nutrition, longevity, disease, gut health, blood work, genetics, psychology and science.
Ben Cant
Dave O’Brien
Carl Montgomery
Chris Masterjohn
Dr. Rhonda Patrick
Ben Cant
Dr Gabrielle Fundaro
Dr Kyla
Dr Alan Pearce
Dr Stacey Sims
Dr Jolene Bright
Dr Ben Lynch
Paul Chek
Elliott Hulse
Steph Lowe
Chris Kresser
Ben Greenfield
Dr. David Perlmutter
Mandy Hopper
Jake Doleschal
Jenni Morrison-Jack
Amelia Schrader
Laura Trimble Thompson
Imogen Miller
Cameron Shayne
Meghan Currie