You CAN be financially free and stop being shameful and embarrassed that you’re ‘just a PT/coach and average gym owner’, be proud of what you do, and prove those who doubted you wrong.
Most business owners never figure this out and end up quitting the industry because they’re not willing to invest into learning the principles and systems that get people successful and wealthy.
I’ll be teaching you what not to do as much what to do that no one tells you.
80% of the businesses in a market make 20% of the money.
20% of the businesses in a market make 80% of the money.
Which do you wanna be? Doing what the majority do is a losing approach.
Doing some reflecting on the year this morning, been such a hectic year been flat out & haven’t had an opportunity to really reflect yet. I’ve gone back through our initial goals we had when we had our initial call a year ago and it’s pretty sick to see what I’ve done and it couldn’t have been without you, so thank you!
Most importantly I fucking love what I do and wake up and just love getting stuck into work and growing, pretty much obsessed with it.
Dec 2022 was making around $1k p/wk / $4,300 p/mth / $52,000 p/yr & I had a goal by Dec 2023 to be making 8,500 which would equal to $100k a year which I thought was ridiculously far fetched at the time??
Here we are Dec 2023, a $12k month and have done $62k to data last 6 months ($51k profit) and theres just so much upside still for me to go only 15 months into niching into cricket. Other goals was freedom & travelling overseas and still working which I’ve done twice this year.
I’ve ran 2 workshops over the last 2 school holidays with people travelling 2+ hours to come to them. I’ve grown instagram from like 200 to almost 5k followers. Begun another business selling gym programs as a product to get people into the ecosystem and will scale that over the next year. Starting to get people coming up to me when out having a few beers pretty frequently now saying they love my page which is pretty bizarre??
Most importantly getting elite results with athletes, with a couple gaining some form of professional contracts and being really close to making their professional debut + countless other players playing the highest level they ever have and performing. Words can’t describe how grateful I am for your mentorship, it has given me so much and the knowledge and confidence I have now to help me navigate my way through life & business.
Last year I had absolutely zero clue about business and now I just love learning about it and I feel I’ve got so much knowledge now , complete night & day from this time last year. Thank you my friend, just wanted to keep you in the loop with where things are at!
When S&C Coach Jaye Started with me he had 17 Clients making $3774 p/m.
He had a goal to reach $2k per week.
When Physiotherapist S&C Coach Jordan came to me he had 0 online clients, no onboarding systems or marketing strategies to grow.
5 months later we completely reshaped his business model and made him one of the first Physiotherapists in Australia with a successful hybrid rehab coaching model increasing his revenue by $20,000 per year while significantly building his confidence to sell and scale his business.
8 months ago when Ben started mentoring with me he was making $48,000 p/y as a coach at a commercial gym. He was hungry for complete financial freedom and to build systems to scale his business so he could leave his full-time job.
While simultaneously coaching him through a health crisis that nearly killed him, we have completely turned his life around and smashed his goals so hard that he’s had to set new ones…twice! In 8 short months with me Ben has executed everything I’ve told him too and put in the amount of effort that makes failure impossible. Now we sit here with his income tripling taking home ~$12,000 months. Words do not to justice how much better Ben’s life is now.
When personal trainer James came and saw me he was the ‘standard PT’ trading time for money still having to work a second job to pay the bills with no systems, little confidence and barely $1000 in his bank account.
11 months later we have completely transformed Jame’s life from your ‘average PT’ doing admin at the front desk of a gym making $1500 p/m to having 20+ high ticket clients who he loves, making him $8000 per month. With the hybrid model, I have taught him he is as we speak living his dream travelling Europe while coaching from abroad.
‘If I made you $60,000 would you pay me $12,000 for it?’
‘Well, how long would it take me?’
’11 Months.’
‘Do I know I’m going to make the money back?’
‘Yeah, you do, and if you don’t I mentor you for free until you do’
‘Well what do I have to do?’
‘Attend fortnightly call, execute everything I say and 1-2 hours of work per day.’
‘Would I have to pay that all upfront?’
‘No, you would pay me as you made the money.’
Would you be interested?
The Biggest Mistake Business Owners Make
You want to make significantly more money as quickly as possible?
If so, the goal is simple, after basic living expenses you would allocate nearly 100% of your money into self-education to help you make more money.
Because you can buy the skills that make you $200,000 a year for a fraction of the price.
You could literally pay someone (doesn’t have to be me) ten’s of thousands of dollars to make you $100,000 – $200,000 per year.
This is the biggest life hack and biggest mistake people make when growing their business.
They try and do it on their own because they’re afraid to part with their money or the pride of doing it by themselves.
Most people just don’t know or trust someone to help them get them there.
You will pay for the information to make 6 figures a year no matter what!
The question is do you want to pay with TIME or pay with MONEY?
Option 1: If you pay with time you pay with thousands of hours of having to learn it on your own over many years making all the mistakes. If you want this please click off the page this is not for you.
Option 2: If you pay with money you skip straight to GO on the monopoly board because you don’t make all the mistakes on your own. You’re given a system that is proven to work to get where you want to get to in a fraction of the time.
“It’s the first time I bought something without looking at my bank account – monthly projections up at almost $8000 per month and looking at maxing out my coaching soon.”
Here's What's Holding You Back From Being Free & Wealthy
Most of the skills I’ve recently acquired I’ve invested money to acquire them at a 10x rate compared to learning on my own.
However, I barley did this early in my career with business and money.
Big mistake.
I was attached to my money and afraid to ‘lose it’.
I didn’t have the maturity and understanding that investing money is how you make more money.
Having the right education is the only thing that allows you to buy time back.
You just need the right education from someone who possesses it.
So instead of taking 3 years to learn the skills to grow your business and become wealthy and free I can hold you accountable to learn it in 8 x1 hour 1on1 calls, but you have to pay to do that.
By doing that you’re going to have a huge advantage over the other person who is choosing to go at it by themselves and get free information off the internet.
If you invest again and again into people who teach you information and skills you want, you start stacking them and creating such disproportionate returns on your time and business you end up making your money back 10 fold.
This is what I wish I did earlier in my career.
If I did, I would be way further ahead and probably be helping people make 7 figures instead of 6.
You don’t have to make my mistake.
“It’s been a really long time since I felt this sort of deep joy. deep satisfaction and it got me a bit emotional. I’m usually not emotional but in that moment this morning I was like, Damn, we did such a great job. Such a great job and I am thrilled to do what I what I do. Everything we’ve built and we’ve worked on it all came together this week. I was working with people I love to work attracting dream clients. It’s been insane, it’s insane. It’s these moments that sort of remind you why you do what you do.”
Emile Fortier
Should You Trust Me?
I’m not the best business mentor out there.
I don’t have the skills yet to get you to a millionaire dollar business because I am still working on that myself.
But you have to ask, are you looking for ‘the best’ or the ‘right one’?
What I can show you is how I’ve established and grown multiple 6-figure businesses and get you from $0 – $100,000 and then $100,000 to multi 6 figure.
We did this with our Certificate 3/4 RTO business and then sold it to Athletes Authority Karl Goodman and Lachlan Wilmot for multiple 6 figures while running and growing my own multi-6 figure coaching business.
That’s one big difference between me and most others who are selling you their business mentorship.
Often their only experience in business has been running a coaching business, or a business telling people how to grow their business.
Some get good results, but many are living a contradiction and haven’t done shit.
If you desire to work with someone with skin in the game whose built and run multiple businesses from eCommerce to a Registered Trade Organisation to a membership subscription service with employees, then we might be a great fit.
First thing we need to acknowledge: this is not an ‘expense’.
An expense infers a loss.
This is an ‘investment’.
An investment implies a future RETURN on investment (ROI).
How can you make more money if you aren’t willing to invest it?
Second, this is not cheap and it’s not for 95% of people who will read this.
Most coaches and gym owners don’t make it in this industry.
The reality is you are probably one of them because of your aversion to risk and emotional relationship to money.
The point of this investment is if you action everything I tell you to do, you should comfortably make multiple times back your initial investment in a year~.
E.G. If you only have a few clients now or want to double the clientele at your gym we will get you to a significantly higher amount in the shortest time possible so you can turn a your initial deposit of $2999 into $5000-$10,000 return.
Then once you finish the mentorship by 12 months the aim is to turn the entire investment into $50,000-$150,000 p/y of income depending on how assertively you take action off my advice.
If someone said you have high odds of turning $12,000 into $50,000-$100,000 in a year would you take that?
It’s very rare to find that return on investment in almost any market.
But you should be sceptical though, because many sell pipe dreams.
You need to know if your in the right hands.
Because it doesn’t matter how hard you work if you’re working hard at the wrong thing?
How do you know?
You find the right boat.
One of the richest people on the planet Warren Buffet said…
“Its far more important what boat you’re in rather than how hard you row.”
So how do you know this is the right boat and isn’t some hocus pocus ‘I will tell you the secrets’ – ‘buy my course and get rich scheme’?
Unlike most of those hucksters, I never even intended to do this.
It happened organically as my coaches began asking for my help to grow their businesses and be wealthier.
See, the best thing is I actually don’t need you to sign up to this.
Because this isn’t my main business.
It was birthed out of organic demand.
I’m doing this because people asked me to do this.
So I did it.
Then I started getting great results with business owners.
Now I’m offering it to you.
I don’t have much incentive to sell this to you because I don’t need to sell it…
If it sounds awesome. Great. If it doesn’t. Great.
If you take anything from this, know that making a 6 figure business and doing it working part-time hours is not a fantasy.
It’s a reality for me, colleagues of mine and a number of successful winner coaches I’ve mentored.
You don’t do it trading time for money and coaching 1 on 1 session’s (you need your input of hours and output of results to be mismatched).
You CAN be financially free and stop being shameful and embarrassed that you’re ‘just a PT/coach’, be proud of what you do, and prove those who doubted you wrong.
Most health professionals never figure this out and end up quitting the industry because most aren’t willing to invest a few grand into learning the principles and systems that get people to the dance.
I’ll be teaching you what not to do as much as what to do that no one tells you.
Imagine if you could have a 90%+ conversion rate
Without casting spells on people or being unethical.
I was sitting down with my business mentor and he wanted to see my booking analytics.
He looked at me with some admiration and respect (which meant a lot to me because he’s rich and successful AF) as he pointed I had a 95% conversion rate.
I had never looked at this data and had 0 clue I was doing this.
Out of the 45 inquiry calls done in this year, 43 ended up booking an initial consultation with me and beginning coaching (check it out below),
I’m not casting spells on people to convince them.
And I’m not promising I can get you to 95% conversion tomorrow. But I can show you how I do it. Then you give yourself get a much greater chance of getting close to that and signing more clients up.
I have immaculate efficient systems and understand human behaviour and psychology adeptly. This is what I teach my mentee’s to do and I will teach you.

What Do You Get?
Grow & scale your business, attain financial freedom, and be confident and skilled enough to build and run a 6 figure business.
Escape trading time for money. Stop coaching unmotivated clients while working anywhere in the world (even if you don’t have a big following). This is how you reclaim your freedom back in months, not years.
– 1on1 Mentorship: $2999 USD upfront followed by x3 payments.
– x9 x1 hour sessions every 2-4 weeks completely bespoke to your needs and/or following the curriculum below. –
– Accountability: This is where most people fail. They don’t have someone whose truly got their back. I’m with you every step of the way. You have private daily access to me to reach out for support when needed. I will be pushing and inspiring you when we’re on our calls to make sure you feel you’re being held accountable to reach your big goals. You’re not alone here with me. Through all the trials, tribulations that business and life will throw at you, I’m in your corner to talk about it all and feel like you got a brother and friend by your side.
My Promise To You
It’s simple with me. If you don’t make your initial upfront investment back, I’ll continue to mentor you at no extra cost until you make your initial investment back.
If you don’t make the remaining x3 investments back within 12 months of starting the program I will mentor you for free until you do.
No excuses, we’re just going to get results. Success is the only option if you work with me.
If you haven’t made more money than what you invested, then I don’t deserve your money. Simple. Now it’s up to you…
Mentorship Structure
Assess your current business structure, goals why. Where are you at and what do you want? We will go deep to understand what purpose your business has and what you want out of it. I will ask you the questions you’ve never asked yourself.
That differentiates you from the competition and eliminates buying friction making it a no-brainer for people to work with you.
I’m sure you already feel dread about building a website. A) you don’t know how to set it up. B) you don’t know what to put on it to stand out. Instead of building a website in months or paying some developer $5000 I will give you my template and show you how to build it in hours.
Set uprobust online coaching systemsso you can stop trading time for $ and you can operate your business from anywhere in the world. I’ll show you how to set up front and back-end systems so you can scale your business and free up dozens of hours p/w.
Efficient automated client onboarding systems (never message a client again to schedule, remind them of a booking or learn how to use your programs).
Learn universal principles of human influence to become a confident skilled communicator.
Learn to sell without having to sell, even if you’re an unconfident introvertwithout sleazy inauthentic tactics.
Understand the mental games of sales so you feel confident to handle any objections and tricky conversations with systems and psychological frameworks.
imagine ‘converting’ and singing up 95% of the people you speak to? Learn how I have developed and maintain a 95% conversion rate. I’m not teaching you magic, I’m teaching you psychology. I will challenge you and we will do mock practice inquiry call’s to make sure you’re confident with your communication which increases client conversions.
Many of cliens breakdown and get very emotional in our initial consults. Why is this? What could I possibly be asking and saying to them to feel these powerful emotions? “Those with a sufficient why can bear almost any how”. This is what I will teach you to tap into in people with my nitial consult guide, I’ll teach what questions to ask, how to figure out their why and how to set goals that will stick.
A referral system that turns your clients into employees to double your business
For engagement, growth and client acquisition. How do you attract your ideal client? How should you present yourself on SM? What type of posts should you do? How frequently? Should you use a website and how to get the most out of it?
I will give you a marketing, buying psychology and a content system machine that will help you create content effortlessly with almost no planning.
By now you should be making more money than you’ve ever made. Now how do you manage this and invest this wisely to make more of it? I will give you a ground-breaking automated financial management system that you always profit from. No more looking at your bank accounts to see if you’ve got money. No more guess work. A system that helps you make more money.
Leveraging A.I technology to supercharge your business growth, work at lightning speed and be more prolific.
See How We Built Chris's Business From 0 Clients
Chris Dikranis
Head Of Performance at Woodford Sport Science Consulting & Strength & Conditioning Coach
You Have Two Paths
1. Go at it alone. Keep reading Instagram posts, siphon as much free information on the internet as possible and hope Alex Hormozi can save you … but really probably spin your wheels by making tons of avoidable mistakes for a few years with 0 accountability getting mediocre results.
2. Invest in someone who has the information you need to get to where you want to get to so you can get there in half the time, make more money faster and not waste time and money on unnecessary mistakes.
It doesn’t matter to me which path you choose.
But if you’re actually serious about thriving in your industry and being it for the long run.
You’re going to need to invest your money, time and energy in someone who can help you get to where you want to get to.
No one does it alone. Mike Tyson had Cus D’Amato. Michael Jordan had Scottie Pippen.
Iron sharpens iron. You get faster by chasing those faster than you.
If this excites you, click the button below and you will receive a booking link for the beginning of our mastermind sessions (8 sessions one every 3-6 weeks).
If You Prefer to Speak To Me First, Book a Call Below
Tier 3: The Rogue Warrior
- ???? Psychology, Mindset & Behaviour Coaching
- ???? Nutrition Framework (macro's, calories, micro's based on your bloodwork)
- ????️ Individualised Weight Training, Sprint & Cardiovascular Conditioning Program
- ????️ World-Class Health, Habits & Wellness Monitoring
- ???? x1 Gut & Blood Work Analysis
- ???? Private Network of AHPs, Doctors & Psychologists
- ???? Recovery & Sleep Coaching for Peak Health
- ???? Quarterly 30 Minute Video Call Check-In
- ???? More Than A Coach: A Friend & Brother Through All Of Life's Up's & Down's
Tier 2: The Pioneer
- ???? Money & Finance Education & Mentorship
- ???? Psychology, Mindset & Behaviour Coaching
- ???? Relationship, Family & Dating Coaching
- ???? Nutrition Framework (macro's, calories, micro's based on your bloodwork)
- ????️ Individualised Weight Training, Sprint & Cardiovascular Conditioning Program
- ????️ Technical Analysis of Lifting, Sprinting & Running
- ????️ World-Class Health, Habits & Wellness Monitoring
- ???? x2 Gut & Blood Work Analysis
- ???? Private Network of AHPs, Doctors & Psychologists
- ???? Recovery & Sleep Coaching for Peak Health
- ???? Weekly Online Check-In
- ???? More Than A Coach: A Friend & Brother Through All Of Life's Up's & Down's
Tier 1: Neo
- ???? Money & Finance Education & Mentorship
- ???? Psychology, Mindset & Behaviour Coaching
- ???? Relationship, Family & Dating Coaching
- ???? Nutrition Framework (macro's, calories, micro's based on your bloodwork)
- ???? Structured Meal Plan & Best of Recipe List
- ????️ Individualised Weight Training, Sprint & Cardiovascular Conditioning Program
- ????️ Technical Analysis of Lifting, Sprinting & Running
- ✔️ 50% Discount on SOS Workshops
- ????️ World-Class Health, Habits & Wellness Monitoring
- ???? Unlimited Gut & Blood Work Analysis
- ???? Private Network of AHPs, Doctors & Psychologists
- ???? Recovery & Sleep Coaching for Peak Health
- ???? Weekly Check-In & Fortnightly Video Check-In
- ???? More Than A Coach: A Friend & Brother Through All Of Life's Up's & Down's
Frequently Asked Questions
A PT will typically only write you an exercise/weight training program and coach you 1 on 1 through those programs.
A PT service is an incredibly valuable service but is limited in its application to nutrition, sleep, psychology and more complex health ailments related to energy, gut and menstrual issues.
My coaching includes all of that.
Our knowledge and skillsets are similar in how we problem-solve complex health ailments related to the gut, skin and general internal health.
However, typically people see a Naturopath once-off or infrequently.
You’re expected to precisely adhere to the plan given to see results with little to no system to maintain consistent contact to problem-solve issues that will arise.
Nor are you given any tracking systems to keep you accountable for measuring and monitoring your progress.
The HWP program solves all of that. We have a weekly check-in and you have access to message me anytime to get support when problems arise.
The check-in serves as the accountability partner and bridge of communication between you and me.
Every week we will have a video call where we will use the information inputted in the check-in tracker to bolster your progress.
This is where you get the hands-on support and guidance to problem solve, answer any questions and guide decisive effective decision making.
Yes, but only to those who have signed up for one of the membership packages (specifics provided via phone consultation).
I no longer offer 1on1 coaching by itself because exercise is not enough to transform health.
If someone coaches you 1-2x p/w and there is no support with nutrition, managing habits, weekly check-in, body comp etc then they’re going to be out of integrity with the totality of your health thus undermining your ability to hit your goals effectively.
All training programs are individualised for you, and for that reason, some will see great results with three sessions per week, while others might need more.
Training frequency is based on variables like your schedule, goals, stress levels and your training history.
You will be given an individualised training program that rotates every 4-8 weeks depending on your training age, goals and need.