Clients Coached
Years Experience
What industry leaders are saying
“I’ve never had someone ask me such thoughtful questions. You have a bright future ahead of you because you give a F*** – don’t lose that.”
Brett Bartholomew
Performance coach, author of the best-selling book Conscious Coaching & globally recognized keynote speaker.
“I couldn’t have been prouder to watch young coach Alexander Sandalis present some of the course with me! I have literally watched this kid grow and develop into such a self-aware – high-level coach who I first met through a video he sent me to become an intern at my old facility Woodfordssc West (then coach)! Alex to me is the perfect example of someone who will never die wondering in life (reminds me of … well me lol) and literally took every opportunity I threw at him. More importantly, he is a friend and good human – more than anything I am so proud I can mentor these young trainers & coaches and then watch them take on the world.”
Christian Woodford
Industry Leading Coach & Owner of Woodford Sport Science Consulting
“You’ve got such a powerful aura and passion that if you channel it effectively, could be life-changing for so many.”
Karl Goodman
Owner Of Athletes Authority
“I’m very honoured to not just call you a mentee but you’re an amazing colleague. I feel really honoured to be associated with you and I really love the message you’re putting out there and the extent that you’re going to spread these good messages and also what you’re doing to better yourself. For those that don’t know Alexander has invested so much time into education and development and it’s quite phenomenal and inspiring to watch.”
Dave O’Brien
Coach & Former Owner Of 5th Element Wellness
“I’m more about people – when you have good people around you can’t go wrong. I think of you in a similar fashion. I know you’re fuckin super passionate and how hard you work.”
Joe Defranco
World-Renowned Strength & Conditioning Coach & Owner Of Defranco's Gym

Joe Defranco
World-Renowned Strength & Conditioning Coach & Owner Of Defranco's Gym
"I’m more about people – when you have good people around you can’t go wrong. I think of you in a similar fashion. I know you’re fuckin super passionate and how hard you work."

Dave O'Brien
Pioneering Health Coach & Former Owner of 5th Element Wellness
"I’m very honoured to not just call you a mentee but you’re an amazing colleague. I feel really honoured to be associated with you and I really love the message you’re putting out there and the extent that you’re going to spread these good messages and also what you’re doing to better yourself. For those that don’t know Alexander has invested so much time into education and development and it’s quite phenomenal and inspiring to watch."

Karl Goodman
Owner Of Athletes Authority
“You’ve got such a powerful aura and passion that if you channel it effectively, could be life-changing for so many.”

Christian Woodford
Industry Leading Coach & Owner of Woodford Sport Science Consulting
"I couldn’t have been prouder to watch young coach Alexander Sandalis present some of the course with me! I have literally watched this kid grow and develop into such a self-aware – high-level coach who I first met through a video he sent me to become an intern at my old facility Woodfordssc West (then coach)! Alex to me is the perfect example of someone who will never die wondering in life (reminds me of … well me lol) and literally took every opportunity I threw at him. More importantly, he is a friend and good human – more than anything I am so proud I can mentor these young trainers & coaches and then watch them take on the world."

Brett Bartholomew
Performance coach, author of the best-selling book Conscious Coaching & globally recognized keynote speaker.
"I’ve never had someone ask me such thoughtful questions.
You have a bright future ahead of you because you give a F*** – don’t lose that."
Do you wear baggy clothes to hide your bloating? Constipated for days?
Coaching Plans
2-week free trial for tier 2 and tier 1, you can try before you buy to see if we’re a good fit.
You have 3 options.
1) Do nothing and learn to live with the frustrations that are holding you back from the potential you know you have.
2) Take action with someone else and run the risk that they only have generic incomplete solutions for what is a holistic host of challenges you’ve battled with for a long time.
3) Make the investment in yourself to work with Strength Of Saad and finally actualise the level of health and life that has alluded you for so long.
If reading this page makes you feel like option 3 is really the only viable choice, then this is how I can help…please read the entire page.
26 Week Coaching Agreement
Why is there a 26 week agreement?
The more effort that goes into a commitment the greater is it’s ability to influence the attitudes of the person who made it and the more likely they are to value it.
Think of this like an agreement with your employee to guarantee your commitment to your job, or an athlete signing a contract to guarantee a place on a team. This is in place so you stay accountable to the commitment you made to yourself.
That way you get much better results because you know you have to show up every week to get amazing progress.
Most of my clients end up working with me for years resulting in them barely able to recognise themselves since they began. We can’t do that without this.
If commitments make you uncomfortable or your the type of person who goes from coach to coach – program to program, I’m happy to speak to you, but you might a not a good fit for this program.
This will sound crazy to many of you. But if you action everything I tell you to do and we don’t improve and hit one of your goals within a 12 month period I will not only give you all your money back, I will transfer $1000 into your bank account.
Why on earth would I do this?
Because I want to make failure impossible for us.
If I have something on the line to loose besides my reputation I’m going to work EVEN HARDER for you.
I also see so many people fearful of taking the step to seek support because they don’t know if it’ll work for them. I want to eliminate that fear because that fear is keeping you stuck and suffering.
This is an ethic I believe so strongly in. I don’t believe it’s fair for me to have your money if we don’t achieve your goals. In fact, I believe so strongly in that I believe I should punish myself for failing you with a self imposed ‘$1000 fine’.
By doing it this way, you not only have absolutely nothing to lose, but you can walk away $1000 richer.
I’ve done this for a very long time with hundreds of people and I will go to the ends of the earth for you. Success is the only option. This level of conviction through relentless knowledge and experience is why I have such conviction towards this.
You're being lied to.
We’re taught we should do it all on our own.
All the answers are out there right?
Once you found the right resource, book or video you’ll figure it out.
You try to fix all of this yourself:
- Low confidence, depression and anxiety
- Un-integrated traumatic upbringing.
- Poor self image, relationship with food and disordered eating.
- Gut issues – constant bloating and gassiness.
- Confused and overwhelmed by what foods you should eat.
- Poor energy levels, fatigue and complex health conditions.
- Low libido, uninspiring friends and a toxic envrionment.
- Performance stagnating in the gym and sport.
- Shameful and embarrassed when you look in the mirror.
You read articles, watch podcasts, save IG posts, try different diets and challenges but then stop…
You get a little progress.
Then something happens, and you don’t know what to do our how to fix it.
You try again. Fail. Again. Fail.
You’re sick of failing and feel worse now than when you started.
But we’re told we have to learn from our failures, right?
Why would you want to make mistakes if you don’t have to?
How many times can you do that flying a plane?
You’ll crash.
So why are you doing that with your health becoming more unhealthy and sick in the process?
Because society values individualism you think you should be able to do it yourself.
“I don’t need you, I’m independent and strong.”
Most of the time, if we’re really honest with ourselves we say this because of our ego, pride and past disappointments.
People have let us down, and now we can’t rely on others as much.
We don’t want to ask for help because we feel like we’ll be a burden and it conflicts with our identity of being independent.
This is a trap and one of the biggest lies we come to believe.
The truth you’re not being told is…
You’re not suppose to do it on your own.
History show’s us this.
Your workplace and family show you this.
“The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.”
We NEED each other to survive and prosper.
You just need the right person for you to stop you from failing and suffering.
You need a holistic professional who understands how to integrate all systems of health, body and mind together in an empathetic but firm, disciplined manner that holds you accountable every single day so YOU DON’T HAVE TO MAKE ALL THE MISTAKES ON YOUR OWN.
If you are too prideful or stubborn to admit ‘we need each other’ to make great progress…
Then I am not for you.
If we can’t agree on that fundamental historic human value, you’re probably not ready for a coach.
If you agree, you have passed the first test, and I invite you to keep reading.
How are you different from other coaches?
Strength Of Saad = a one stop shop: you no longer have to waste time, energy and money seeing numerous specialists telling you contradictory things.
- You see a nutritionist who you can’t speak to every day to get support and make changes on the fly.
- You see a Doctor who tells you your blood tests are in range and everything’s fine yet still feel and look below average.
- You see a psychologist who helps you mentally, but only see’s you once a month with 0 support and guidance when you’re struggling the most.
- You see a naturopath who writes you a plan for $400 with $500 of supplements and expects you to follow it to a tee with no accountability systems, training program or weekly check-in.
- A strength and conditioning coach/PT who helps you get stronger but doesn’t understand how to integrate all these systems together to create the complete healthy high performing athlete/person.
You go well for a few weeks, maybe even months, then fall off the wagon or realise, something’s missing.
Why aren’t these professionals looking considering all aspects of my health?
All of these specialists play incredibly valuable roles in society and help so many people.
Yet why do most relapse back into poor health?
Because they don’t have someone who has a skillset in holistically integrating ALL components of their health, psychology and wellness together.
SOS Coaching…
- Is best suited for people looking to hire one main health professional/coach for their entire health, wellness and performance
- Caters to individuals/athletes who are serious and committed to long-term change and becoming the type of person who is beyond average.
- Is best suited for those who resonate with the intention of achieving excellence in their lives through the vehicle of health and wellness.
- For people who are fed up of feeling and being mediocre, sick and tired and want to live a full vibrant life, fix their suffering and tap into their potential.
The coaching services offered are delivered in a comprehensive detailed very hands-on manner that holds you accountable for reaching your physical-mental potential.
This type of responsibility is not quick or easy.
This is not a 12-week challenge but a long-term 6-12+ month transformation of self.
I’ve done my job when you aren’t able to recgonise yourself in the mirror.
If you’re looking for a short-term cheap commitment, this is not for you, please exit this page.
SOS coaching program is best suited for those looking for a holistic approach to attaining the best physical and mental shape of their life by one of the most caring, daring, inspiring relentless practitioners out here.
If you’re looking for a coach to get you into the best shape of your life, radically evolve your mindset and learn transformative lifelong habits 10x faster than you can on you’re on, then SOS coaching might be a great fit.
Here's what's holding you back:
You are likely surrounded by a demorilizing envrionment. People doubt you, you doubt yourself and you don’t have many people, if any who truly beleive in you and support you.
“Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.”
Once we begin this process you will have gained a companion in your challenging Hero’s journey. Someone to fight your battles with and beleive in you when it’s dark cold and you want to quit. I will not just be your coach, I will be your friend to help you push through the hardest times of your life.
If you’re following IG/TikTok accounts on what foods to eat you end up overwhelmed and confused.
A great coach will teach you adaptable principles of healthy eating so you have the confidence to eat out and choose foods that nourish you, instead of slow you down.
A generic program doesn’t account for your individual fluctuating needs and problems.
If you want to unlock a whole new level of training performance … then you need a program designed not only with your goals in mind… but with you in mind.
A coach or health app that only considers exercise and nutrition is inadequate for long lasting behaviour change for many.
Even if you’re eating healthy and training well, how do you know you can maintain it? How do you know it’s enough. It’s usually not.
Great training and nutrition guidance can only go so far without the support from a coach like myself who considers your psychology, habits, mental health, blood work gut health and strategies to reshape the way you engage with your goals, identity and future self.
Who do you want to be?
If athletes go long enough without the support they deserve, they may go the rest of their life with regret never achieving what they were always capable of.
Bulletproof yourself against future injuries
Develop a Kobe Bryant Mamba mentality.
Most athletes want to play at a high level yet most don’t have support and habits to get them to a high level.
Imagine you had your own high performance manager who took care of your entire health, wellness and performance?
It’s your fault your getting beat by your opponents.
So what are you going to do about it?
There IS a version of yourself that can…
- SOLVE complex health problems that have been plagueing you for years.
- STOP binge eating,
- STOP restricting foods
- Radically transform your relationship with food and body image.
- STOP being confused and overwhelmed about what foods you should eat.
- STOP anxiety inducing gut and skin issues. STOP feeling sluggish, fatigued and irritable.
- Feel confident, free and unburdened by your self limiting beliefs.
I know, it’s hard to believe – you should be sceptical.
By no mean’s is it easy.
But you’ve either being doing it alone or hadn’t had the right support to guide you through that.
But you can’t do it alone and you need the right person.
You need compassionate consistent support and advanced holistic personalised strategies.
Do you aspire to transform your body so you can earn the respect of yourself and others and have confidence in your skin and abilities?
Getting big, strong and lean from internet advice is a fool’s game that has you running in confusing circles not knowing whose right or wrong.
You can do it alone.
But it will take longer and you will make all the mistakes.
Find someone who understands the art and science of body transformation.
Someone who take’s into account every body system and holistic detail of health and you’ll look so good others will be envious and you’ll perform and feel better than most.
How is Strength of Saad so different from the rest?
- This will be the cornerstone of our success together.
- Together we will reshape how you talk to yourself, eliminate destructive beleifs and construct a mental model and identity that is consistent with the type of person you need and want to become.
- This is one of the most ignored areas by coaches/health professionals.
- We built the most comprehensive wellness tracker available that will make changing habits effortless, for life.
- As a result, by the end of this you should unleash a new level of confidence and step into a new identity to which you can barley recognise yourself.
- True habit change is identity change and I will show you how to do that.
- Never feel alone. through your challenging goals and obstacles.
- Our check in’s are much more personal than the typical coaches Loom video, voice recording or email check-in.
- That just doesn’t cut it if you want to take a holistic approach to your health and solve complex problems.
- I’m not just going to be telling you what to do we’re going to be working as a team together in a collaborative manner to transform you.
- We will problem solve the hardest issues, set mini goals and provide a weekly touchpoint with someone holding you accountable every step of the way.
- The quality of our habits determine the quality of our lives. Do your habits support and build you, or diminish and slow you?
- No more overwhelm about what or how much to eat.
- I do the work for you to build out a strategic nutritional guidance to feel, look and perform amazing. Then I teach you how to do it for yourself.
- Unlike most coaches we will spend a lot of time on your relationship with food, habits, environment, disordered eating behaviour, and the quickest nutrient strategies to address your nutrient deficiencies.
- With a one-of-a-kind nutrition tracker that dieticians don’t even have access to we will detect and address deficiencies in minutes and build out sustainable solutions.
- You will receive a training program cyclically via Google Sheets to suit your needs and adapting nervous system.
- The program your given is tailored towards your specific outcome.
- You want to lean out?
- You want to get savagely strong and confident in your body?
- You’re an athlete wanting to go pro?
- Each requires a specific intelligent program system so you never have to worry about what to do in the gym again.
- You walk into your average Doctors office and they tell you ‘everything’s in range’, ‘your young’, ‘it’s in your head’, or here’s psychiatric medication.
- That’s an unacceptable solution that never addresses the root cause of your issue.
- With a skillset and education in nutrition science, biochemistry, gut health, and bloodwork I support people through gut health ailments (IBS/SIBO, parasites, negative gram bacteria, H.Pylori, etc), energy/fatigue problems, and nutrient deficiencies so they can get some answers to their long-lasting health problems.
- We don’t do this alone. We work with other health professionals to work as a team to solve the problem together.
You have two paths:
What happens if you keep going down the path you are on?
- You go back and forth trying…
- This new program you found…
- This new supplement you heard of…
- This diet regime…
- Once you read X book and make a bit more money you’ll be able to afford to justify the decision to improve your life and health…
You say not yet…
You say you’re not ready to 100% commit…
You say I’m scared, intimidated and overwhelmed…
You continue to justify this to yourself month after month and then before you know it it’s been years.
You’re in the same position that you were two years ago, except something terrible has happened.
You just wasted 2 years of your life that could’ve been 10 times better.
The things you tried gave you temporary success, but you eventually regressed back to where you were before.
You weren’t taught a system to make you autonomous and accountable to yourself.
Then there is a moment…
A crossroads moment between two groups of people.
Both groups look at themselves in the mirror and feel unsatisfied, unhappy and unhealthy.
Then there is a decision.
Most are overcome by fear, intimidation, anxiety and self-limiting beliefs.
They make their decision.
And that is, no decision.
They never get unstuck and out of the mud and continue on the downward spiral towards a worsening life destined for mediocrity.
Then there is the other group, they are unique.
They also feel fear, intimidation, anxiety and self-limiting beliefs.
But they make a different decision.
For these select exceptional few, they decide to end the cycle.
To say enough is enough.
They summon courage in spite of their fear and emotions.
They conquer themselves and ultimately become the person they need and desire to become.
Their wildest dreams are imagined.
While the others continue to repeat the same cycle over and over again descending towards the worst version they are to become.
These are your two paths.
Choose wisely.
Which will you pick?

The slow pace of transformation is why it’s so easy to let a destructive habit slide and why people often wake up one day with the realisation they’re fat, out of shape, broke, unsuccessful, sick and weak.
When we repeat 1% errors day after day as we rationalize our excuses, our small choices compound into toxic results.
Instead we must realise a very small shift in direction (habits) can lead to a very meaningful change in destination (who you become).
Making a choice that is 1% better or worse seems insignificant in the moment, but over the span of moments over a life time these choices determine the difference between who you are and who you could be.
Who do you want to be?
Coaching Plans
2-week free trial for tier 2 and tier 1, you can try before you buy to see if we’re a good fit.
Tier 3: The Rogue Warrior
- ???? Psychology, Mindset & Behaviour Coaching
- ???? Nutrition Framework (macro's, calories, micro's based on your bloodwork)
- ????️ Individualised Weight Training, Sprint & Cardiovascular Conditioning Program
- ????️ World-Class Health, Habits & Wellness Monitoring
- ???? x1 Gut & Blood Work Analysis
- ???? Private Network of AHPs, Doctors & Psychologists
- ???? Recovery & Sleep Coaching for Peak Health
- ???? Quarterly 30 Minute Video Call Check-In
- ???? More Than A Coach: A Friend & Brother Through All Of Life's Up's & Down's
Tier 2: The Pioneer
- ???? Money & Finance Education & Mentorship
- ???? Psychology, Mindset & Behaviour Coaching
- ???? Relationship, Family & Dating Coaching
- ???? Nutrition Framework (macro's, calories, micro's based on your bloodwork)
- ????️ Individualised Weight Training, Sprint & Cardiovascular Conditioning Program
- ????️ Technical Analysis of Lifting, Sprinting & Running
- ????️ World-Class Health, Habits & Wellness Monitoring
- ???? x2 Gut & Blood Work Analysis
- ???? Private Network of AHPs, Doctors & Psychologists
- ???? Recovery & Sleep Coaching for Peak Health
- ???? Weekly Online Check-In
- ???? More Than A Coach: A Friend & Brother Through All Of Life's Up's & Down's
Tier 1: Neo
- ???? Money & Finance Education & Mentorship
- ???? Psychology, Mindset & Behaviour Coaching
- ???? Relationship, Family & Dating Coaching
- ???? Nutrition Framework (macro's, calories, micro's based on your bloodwork)
- ???? Structured Meal Plan & Best of Recipe List
- ????️ Individualised Weight Training, Sprint & Cardiovascular Conditioning Program
- ????️ Technical Analysis of Lifting, Sprinting & Running
- ✔️ 50% Discount on SOS Workshops
- ????️ World-Class Health, Habits & Wellness Monitoring
- ???? Unlimited Gut & Blood Work Analysis
- ???? Private Network of AHPs, Doctors & Psychologists
- ???? Recovery & Sleep Coaching for Peak Health
- ???? Weekly Check-In & Fortnightly Video Check-In
- ???? More Than A Coach: A Friend & Brother Through All Of Life's Up's & Down's
Can you afford to wait?
I know this is probably a big step for you, you might be feeling a little anxious, nervous and excited. That’s normal! Lean into that. Great things in life usually happen when we do.
Book a quick chat with me using the green link above or go here. The best case is I absolutely transform the trajectory of every facet of your life for the better. The worst case is I refer you to someone who’s a better fit and can help you. Either way, you win ????♂️
Please carefully consider the time, financial and energy commitment required to change your life, this is not for everyone.
But if it is, I can’t wait to see how far we can go together.
Frequently Asked Questions
A PT will typically only write you an exercise/weight training program and coach you 1 on 1 through those programs.
A PT service is an incredibly valuable service but is limited in its application to nutrition, sleep, psychology and more complex health ailments related to energy, gut and menstrual issues.
My coaching includes all of that.
Our knowledge and skillsets are similar in how we problem-solve complex health ailments related to the gut, skin and general internal health.
However, typically people see a Naturopath once-off or infrequently.
You’re expected to precisely adhere to the plan given to see results with little to no system to maintain consistent contact to problem-solve issues that will arise.
Nor are you given any tracking systems to keep you accountable for measuring and monitoring your progress.
The HWP program solves all of that. We have a weekly check-in and you have access to message me anytime to get support when problems arise.
The check-in serves as the accountability partner and bridge of communication between you and me.
Every week we will have a video call where we will use the information inputted in the check-in tracker to bolster your progress.
This is where you get the hands-on support and guidance to problem solve, answer any questions and guide decisive effective decision making.
Yes, but only to those who have signed up for one of the membership packages (specifics provided via phone consultation).
I no longer offer 1on1 coaching by itself because exercise is not enough to transform health.
If someone coaches you 1-2x p/w and there is no support with nutrition, managing habits, weekly check-in, body comp etc then they’re going to be out of integrity with the totality of your health thus undermining your ability to hit your goals effectively.
All training programs are individualised for you, and for that reason, some will see great results with three sessions per week, while others might need more.
Training frequency is based on variables like your schedule, goals, stress levels and your training history.
You will be given an individualised training program that rotates every 4-8 weeks depending on your training age, goals and need.
Want results 20% faster?
You start your health journey and learn that to achieve your goals you need to spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on products to help you improve your sleep, stress, digestion, performance and quality of life.
Red light globes, sleep masks, supplements, training equipment, journals, books etc.
According to a study conducted by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, (2019) Australians spent an average of $5,573 per year on fitness, health, and wellness products and services.
And that’s the “average”, not someone like you who is much more dedicated to their health and could likely end up spending double.
I will absorb much of those costs for you. This is how…
If you’re like most of my clients, you’re busy, and it can often go weeks before you get many of the items you need. Sometimes I’ve had clients even go MONTHS without purchasing vital products for their health. As a result, they suffer and struggle for longer.
I had to do something to fix this so my people could get better faster. Now imagine if you never had to worry about spending time or money buying almost any supplement, book, journal, digestion aid and biohacking tool to improve your life? You were going to spend the money anyway, but what if it was all included in your coaching?
You fill out a form upon starting coaching and I assess everything you have and don’t have. Then as soon as we begin coaching a care package arrives at your doorstep with everything you need (and didn’t know you needed) to kickstart your health and improve your life without you lifting a finger or spending a dollar.
No delay or time wasted. This occurs ongoing throughout our coaching as more items are needed.
I’ve had clients stay in poor health and pain for additional weeks and months because they delayed action to get crucial products for their health.
Then they have to work with me longer before they get their result. So they end up investing more money because of inaction. Here’s how care packages and my coaching saves you money: Let’s say we need to spend 12 months working together to get x result. But with care packages, you’re likely to get your result 20% faster and now we only need 10 months to work together.
You save money on the back end (2 months of coaching) by being provided with resources immediately, like a concierge service.
There is no other health coaching service like this. It is the first of its kind and is a premium world-class all-inclusive service designed to make failure near impossible.
Just ask me if you want to add it onto your coaching.