“Thank you doesn’t seem to sum it up but for lack of a better word thank you. Your passion for what you do is admirable and really sparked a drive in both myself and Scott. You have an ability to get the most out of people and made us feel comfortable to share and learn without judgement. There are no limits to what you’ll achieve, I have no doubt you’ll make an excellent educator if you continue down that path and we’ll be first in line to buy tickets to the first Strength of Saad course should it ever exist. (Alexander) is passionate, committed, extremely knowledgeable. Alexander has an open mind and teaches from an unbiased perspective to allow us to create our own beliefs and not only make us better coaches but also better people. If you ever have an opportunity to learn from Alexander make sure you make the most of it.”

Jen Flack

Cert III/IV Student & Personal Trainer

Jen Flack