“Thank you so much for the last 6 months! Jen and I had spoke about it you bring so much more to our lives then just education it helps us both bring the best out of ourselves. Can’t wait to see how far your passion takes you just make sure you remember us little people when you make it big ? Alexander Coached me through the WSSC portion of my Cert IV with Orphic Education. Never could I have imagined so much passion, commitment, and knowledge being brought to the table and passed onto us as what he did. No stone is left unturned due to his methodical literature and will to pass on as much information as he possibly can. He brought the best out of every single one of us and his diverse and open-minded way of thinking had us leaving every class not only smarter but wanting to be better people. It is an absolute privilege to have this guy in your corner.”

Scotty Mcgill

Cert III/IV Student & Powerlifting Athlete

Scotty McGill