“Where to begin with Alexander, I came to Alexander low on confidence, a few niggling injuries and a recent lung pneumothorax. What Alexander has done with me in 4 weeks is nothing short of unbelievable, I’ve discovered a new side to training, different approach to life and has changed me so much as a person, I am now growing in confidence and anything is achievable for me. I would recommend Alexander to anyone, he engages with people on another level which makes training with him all the more worthwhile. I’ve achieved so much with him in such little time and I am so excited for what the future holds. Mate, gotta say if you got me to send you a video of me talking about this stuff 4 weeks ago I wouldn’t have done it, I’m still coming to terms with how much impact you’ve had on me in 4 weeks, even the slightest things I am noticing! Thanks again bro ?? my future in sport is a lot brighter after meeting you!”

Ben DiCiocio

AFL Athlete & Cert III/IV Student

Ben De Coccio